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Quotes about Union

We have been chosen from the mass of humanity to live in an intimate union with Christ. It is amazing even to be tolerated by God. It would be an honor simply to be invited to the wedding! It is beyond comprehension to be the beloved bride of the King of kings and Lord of lords! When you understand this, you can't help but live life aware of the honor, privilege, and blessing that are yours.
- Timothy Lane
As J. C. Ryle said, "A true Christian is one who has not only peace of conscience, but war within." 5 We are united to Christ for a purpose: "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight" (Eph. 1:4). Our new life in Christ is just that: new life. A glorious fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil is at its heart and one of the clearest signs of our union with him.
- Timothy Lane
Those who see any difference between soul and body have neither
- Oscar Wilde
to marry into a cloakroom, and form an alliance with a parcel
- Oscar Wilde
Christ was not crucified so that we wouldn't have to be. He was crucified so we could be crucified with him.
- Dallas Willard
in the progress of God's redemptive work, communication advances into communion, and communion into union. When the progression is complete we can truly say, "It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me" (Gal 2:20) and "For to me, living is Christ" (Phil 1:21).
- Dallas Willard
Union in action with the triune God is Christian spirituality. That is where the life is drawing its substance from God.
- Dallas Willard
It can't be any other way. If salvation is to affect our lives, it can do so only by affecting our bodies. If we are to participate in the reign of God, it can only be by our actions. And our actions are physical—we live only in the processes of our bodies. To withhold our bodies from religion is to exclude religion from our lives. Our life is a bodily life, even though that life is one that can be fulfilled solely in union with God.
- Dallas Willard
We are meant to exercise our "rule" only in union with God, as he acts with us. He intended to be our constant companion or coworker in the creative enterprise of life on earth. That is what his love for us means in practical terms.
- Dallas Willard
Reign is no doubt wording that is a little too grand for the contemporary mind, though what it refers to is what everyone actually pursues in life. We have been trained to think of "reigning" as exclusionary of others. But in the heart of the divine conspiracy, it just means to be free and powerful in the creation and governance of what is good. In the life of prayer we are training for, we reign in harmonious union with the infinite power of God.
- Dallas Willard
A good marriage is the union of two good forgivers.
- Ruth Bell Graham
To enter upon the marriage union is one of the most deeply important events of life. It cannot be too prayerfully treated. Our happiness, our usefulness, our living for God or for ourselves afterwards, are often most intimately connected with our choice. Therefore, in the most prayerful manner, this choice should be made.
- George Muller