Quotes about Union
On the distinctive principles of the Government ... of the U. States, the best guides are to be found in ... The Declaration of Independence, as the fundamental Act of Union of these States.
- James Madison
Contemplative prayer is a discipline that enables our developing relationship with Jesus Christ to reach stages of growth in union with God.
- James Goll
She pronounced the word married as if her voice caressed it. It seemed a rustling covert leading to enchanted glades.
- Edith Wharton
Space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind union of the two will preserve an independent reality
- Albert Einstein
the kindred blood which flows in the veins of American citizens, the mingled blood which they have shed in defense of their sacred rights, consecrate their Union, and excite horror at the idea of their becoming aliens, rivals, enemies.
- Alexander Hamilton
If we still will adhere to the design of a national government, or, which is the same thing, of a superintending power, under the direction of a common council, we must resolve to incorporate into our plan those ingredients which may be considered as forming the characteristic difference between a league and a government; we must extend the authority of the Union to the persons of the citizens,—the only proper objects of government.
- Alexander Hamilton
A turbulent faction in a State may easily suppose itself able to contend with the friends to the government in that State; but it can hardly be so infatuated as to imagine itself a match for the combined efforts of the Union. If this reflection be just, there is less danger of resistance from irregular combinations of individuals to the authority of the Confederacy than to that of a single member.
- Alexander Hamilton
Every man who loves peace, every man who loves his country, every man who loves liberty, ought to have it ever before his eyes, that he may cherish in his heart a due attachment to the Union of America, and be able to set a due value on the means of preserving it.
- Alexander Hamilton
We cannot have communion with Christ till we are in union with Him; and we cannot have communion with the Church till we are in vital union with it.
- Charles Spurgeon
Not cohabitation but consensus constitutes marriage.
- Cicero
If the mystery of the Trinity is the template of all reality, what we have in the Trinitarian God is the perfect balance between union and differentiation, autonomy and mutuality, identity and community.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The saint is precisely one who has no "I" to protect or project. His or her "I" is in conscious union with the "I AM" of God, and that is more than enough. Divine
- Fr. Richard Rohr