Quotes about Union
God created marriage. No government subcommittee envisioned it. No social organization developed it. Marriage was conceived and born in the mind of God.
- Max Lucado
Marriage fills the Earth, virginity Heaven.
- St. Jerome
Men, you'll never be a good groom to your wife unless you're first a good bride to Jesus.
- Timothy Keller
Christianity is God's marriage proposal to the soul.
- Peter Kreeft
We do not create marriage from scratch. Instead, in the elegant language of the marriage ceremony, we 'enter into the holy estate of matrimony.
- Nancy Pearcey
Marriages are made in Heaven.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
When a man and a woman give themselves to each other in an act of marital love, they can know the love of Christ as no one else can know it.
- J. Vernon McGee
Christ has done everything necessary for us to be free. He wants us to be free so much that He gave Himself as a ransom to die on a cross. Then He gave Himself to us. We are one with Christ because our souls are in union with Him. There is nothing else God needs to do for us to be free.
- Neil Anderson
On several occasions during the war he came to the relief of the Union army by means of his superior military genius.
- Ulysses S. Grant
The Northern press, as a whole, did not discourage these claims; a portion of it always magnified rebel success and belittled ours, while another portion, most sincerely earnest in their desire for the preservation of the Union and the overwhelming success of the Federal armies, would nevertheless generally express dissatisfaction with whatever victories were gained because they
- Ulysses S. Grant
When two mouths, made sacred by love, draw near to each other to create, it is impossible, that above that ineffable kiss there should not be a thrill in the immense mystery of the stars.
- Victor Hugo
All the hungers we have for love, for union, for happiness are given by God to lead us to him. The difference between a saint and the greatest sinner is where they go to satisfy that hunger.
- Christopher West