Quotes about Changed
A stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the rings of his nobles, so that nothing concerning Daniel could be changed.
- Daniel 6:17
Thoreau wrote, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation," and it seems nothing has changed.
- John Eldredge
Where the doctrine of truth is corrupted, the hearts of men will not be changed by it nor their lives reformed.
- John Owen
We know that men are saved by repentance and faith, and whoever does call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. But salvation is a supernatural work of God that will always produce fruit. And the evidence, not the cause, but the evidence of salvation is a changed life, a changing life.
- Paul Washer
People make suggestions on what to say all the time. I'll give you an example I don't read what's handed to me. People say, 'Here, here's your speech, or here's an idea for a speech.' They're changed. Trust me.
- George W. Bush
Only the supernatural love of God through changed lives can solve the problems that we face in our world.
- Billy Graham
People make suggestions on what to say all the time. I'll give you an example; I don't read what's handed to me. People say, 'Here, here's your speech, or here's an idea for a speech.' They're changed. Trust me.
- George W. Bush
The skeptic may deny your doctrine or attack your church but he cannot honestly ignore the fact that your life has been changed.
- Charles Swindoll
The Constitution which at any time exists, 'till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole People is sacredly obligatory upon all.
- George Washington
But we know that true grace comes to us by costly sacrifice. And if God was willing to go to the cross and endure such pain and absorb such a cost in order to save us, then we must live sacrificially as we serve others. Anyone who truly understands how God's grace comes to us will have a changed life. That's the gospel, not salvation by law, or by cheap grace, but by costly grace. Costly grace changes you from the inside out. Neither law nor cheap grace can do that.
- Eric Metaxas
The power of the Holy Spirit cannot be successfully duplicated. If a person is supernaturally changed and given a love for God's glory, God did it.
- RT Kendall
Jesus is revealed in the changed lives of His beloved children.
- Darlene Zschech