Quotes about Shared
The common experiences you share with others don't have to be that dramatic (although adversity definitely brings people together). Anything you experience together that creates a common history helps to connect you to others.
- John Maxwell
Our community belongs to us and whether it is mean or majestic, whether arrayed in glory or covered in shame, we cannot but share its character and destiny.
- Frederick Douglass
We are all tied together in a garment of mutual destiny.
- Hill Harper
We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.
- Donald Trump
One thing I have learned during these past few terrible years is that our grief and sorrow should be shared, not carried alone.
- Lynn Austin
Made in the image of a perfect relationship, we are relational to the core of our beings and filled with a desire for transcendent purpose. We long to be an irreplaceable part of a shared adventure.
- John Eldredge
And certainly we see that God wants not merely an adventure, but an adventure to share. He didn't have to make us, but he wanted to. Though he knows the name of every star and his kingdom spans galaxies, God delights in being a part of our lives. Do you know why he often doesn't answer prayer right away? Because he wants to talk to us, and sometimes that's the only way to get us to stay and talk to him. His heart is for relationship, for shared adventure to the core.
- John Eldredge
we were made to be a part of a great adventure. An adventure that is shared. We do not want the adventure merely for adventure's sake but for what it requires of us for others. We don't want to be alone in it; we want to be in it with others.
- John Eldredge
That glory was shared with us; we became, in G. K. Chesterton's words, "a statue of God walking about the garden," endowed with a strength and beauty all our own. All that we ever wished we could be, we were—and more. We were fully alive.
- John Eldredge
A viable neighborhood is a community: and a viable community is made up of neighbors who cherish and protect what they have in common.
- Wendell Berry
To me, art is not a solitary delight. It is a means of stirring the greatest number of men by providing them with a privileged image of our common joys and woes.
- Albert Camus
All men are children, and of one family. The same tale sends them all to bed, and wakes them in the morning.
- Henry David Thoreau