Quotes about Ability
God lets you go through challenges to give you credibility in a certain area and the ability to help someone else out of a situation that you once were in.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Strength in the wrong place is weakness. That's true of anyone's gift. If you're not using your greatest asset in the right way, it's a weakness. Your greatest strength might be your undoing
- Bishop TD Jakes
I have an incredible confidence in the resilience of the human spirit and the creative ability of the Holy Spirit. So, if you can get people asking the right questions, it really will start moving in the right direction.
- Erwin McManus
The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled.
- Andrew Carnegie
Show me a man of average ability but extraordinary desire and I'll show you a winner every time.
- Andrew Carnegie
The essence of man is not what he is, but in what he is able to be.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
How often it happens, that, when a catastrophe occurs, if we inquire into the cause we find it originated through the obstinacy of one with little ability, but having full faith in his own powers.
- Victor Hugo
Between you and anything you want to accomplish you will always find problems or obstacles of some kind. This is why success is sometimes defined as the ability to solve problems.
- Brian Tracy
With moderate physical training, you can control anything in your body. You don't have to be an athlete to do it, and this isn't just about people with disabilities - it's about everyone. You just have to have the willpower, the mindset, and the desire to want to better yourself.
- RJ Mitte
I believe that God has put gifts and talents and ability on the inside of every one of us. When you develop that and you believe in yourself and you believe that you're a person of influence and a person of purpose, I believe you can rise up out of any situation.
- Joel Osteen
Not everyone can lead worship.
- Michael Smith
us the ability to think with your mind, to hear with your ears, to see with your eyes, to speak with your mouth, to walk with your feet, to love with your heart. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
- Shane Claiborne