Quotes about Captivity
Hope is necessary in every condition. The miseries of poverty, sickness and captivity would, without this comfort, be insupportable.
- Samuel Johnson
Liberation is not deliverance. One gets free from the galleys, but not from the sentence.
- Victor Hugo
The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he's in prison.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
We get into captivity because of our foolishness and we are more foolish that we want to admit.
- Louie Giglio
Lord, you call us out of captivity into the freedom of your beloved community. As we pass through the wilderness spaces of our lives, grant us ears to hear you, eyes to see you, and hearts that ache for you, that we might not turn away from the brothers and sisters who help us remember who we are. Amen.
- Shane Claiborne
2 Corinthians 10:15—…bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
- Bill Johnson
But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing.
- Maya Angelou
We have a crippling tendency to forget what God has done for us. For a while, we're humbled. Then, if we do not guard our hearts and minds, we begin to think we must have done something right for God to have been so good to us. Therein lies another road to captivity. It is the road of legalism.
- Beth Moore
A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for him or her.
- Beth Moore
We have a crippling tendency to forget what God has done for us. For a while, we're humbled. Then, if we do not guard our hearts and minds, we begin to think we must have done something right for God to have been so good to us. Therein lies another road to captivity. It is the road of legalism. Hezekiah believed he was right with God because of what he had done.
- Beth Moore
Let's consider a series of lessons that lay the groundwork for our discussion of breaking free. I will list them as nine lessons about captivity and freedom. LESSON 1 The people of God can be oppressed by the enemy.
- Beth Moore
Then take me prisoner to Your will Enslaved in Your safekeeping.
- Beth Moore