Quotes about Companions
Tell me, O one I love, where do you pasture your sheep? Where do you rest them at midday? Why should I be like a veiled woman beside the flocks of your companions?
- Song of Solomon 1:7
You who dwell in the gardens, my companions are listening for your voice. Let me hear it!
- Song of Solomon 8:13
Behold, all his companions will be put to shame, for the craftsmen themselves are only human. Let them all assemble and take their stand; they will all be brought to terror and shame.
- Isaiah 44:11
Hear now, O high priest Joshua, you and your companions seated before you, who are indeed a sign. For behold, I am going to bring My servant, the Branch.
- Zechariah 3:8
Jesus replied, “Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?
- Matthew 12:3
He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread, which was not lawful for them to eat, but only for the priests.
- Matthew 12:4
Then Jesus and His companions went to Capernaum, and right away Jesus entered the synagogue on the Sabbath and began to teach.
- Mark 1:21
As soon as Jesus and His companions had left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew.
- Mark 1:29
Simon and his companions went to look for Him,
- Mark 1:36
During the high priesthood of Abiathar, he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which was lawful only for the priests. And he gave some to his companions as well.”
- Mark 2:26
He entered the house of God, took the consecrated bread and gave it to his companions, and ate what is lawful only for the priests to eat.”
- Luke 6:4
Meanwhile Peter and his companions were overcome by sleep, but when they awoke, they saw Jesus’ glory and the two men standing with Him.
- Luke 9:32