Quotes about Debt
I would use the debt limit. I don't want to say - I want to be unpredictable, because, you know, we need unpredictability. Everything is so predictable with our country.
- Donald Trump
I don't need debt. And if I need debt, if I want debt, I can get it from banks in New York City very easily.
- Donald Trump
Ralph Waldo Emerson had this truth in mind when he said (in his essay on Compensation), "If you serve an ungrateful master, serve him the more. Put God in your debt. Every stroke shall be repaid. The longer the payment is withholden, the better for you; for compound interest on compound interest is the rate and usage of this exchequer
- Napoleon Hill
One of the ways the devil has deceived us and controlled our finances is through debt.
- Kenneth Copeland
We have allowed Satan to flip the coin over on the other side and put the Body of Christ in debt to the world. In doing this, we have allowed them to possess us. The borrower is servant to the lender. Many
- Kenneth Copeland
The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable.
- Carl Jung
A church debt is the devil's salary.
- Henry Ward Beecher
An example of good debt is the debt on the apartment houses I own. That debt is good only as long as there are tenants to pay my mortgages. If tenants stop paying their rent, my good debt turns into bad debt.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Be modest in your wants...There is nothing that will cause greater tensions in marriage than grinding debt, which will make of you a slave to your creditors.
- Gordon Hinckley
If you serve an ungrateful master, serve him the more. Put God in your debt. Every stroke shall be repaid. The longer the payment is withholden, the better for you; for compound interest on compound interest is the rate and usage of this exchequer." "The law of Nature is, Do the thing and you shall have the power; but they who do not the thing have not the power.
- Napoleon Hill
A man in debt is so far a slave.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
No matter how you spin it, forgiveness is costly. Regardless of how big or small the offense, canceling a debt and absorbing the cost is going to hurt. But the parable shows us that not forgiving also has a price, and it is higher than the price forgiveness demands.
- Timothy Lane