Quotes about Collaboration
to marry into a cloakroom, and form an alliance with a parcel
- Oscar Wilde
Today, I see and create a radically new vision, one where everyone wins, everyone gets a seat at the table.
- Pam Grout
In the world of teams and teamwork I often find the belief that to work and communicate effectively, team members must be close comrades. In fact, this is a common misperception. Although team members don't need to know one another very well personally to perform as a team, they do need to know one another's abilities and potential contributions.
- Pat MacMillan
Five rather small dogs can be very powerful. If you can get a team pulling together in one direction, you can get enormous power out of them.1 What a great illustration about cooperation in the face of contrast and difference.
- Pat MacMillan
Effective team leaders work creatively with each team member to ensure they understand the following issues: Why this task is important to the organization. Why this team task is important to them personally. Why they (their role) are important to the team. Who the other team members are and why they are important to the mission of the team.
- Pat MacMillan
Leadership in a team environment is all about serving, facilitating, and releasing rather than taking charge and being in control.
- Pat MacMillan
Although we might place our trust in the team, that trust is invested one person at a time. I, as a team member, must build trust with every other member of the team on an individual basis and vice versa.
- Pat MacMillan
High performance teams master the art of straight talk. They have learned how to confront issues and address behaviors without attacking or provoking one another.
- Pat MacMillan
When prejudice between team members is present within the team, it's as though a hockey team voluntarily decided to place one or two of their members in the penalty box, and attempted to compete effectively against the opposing team with fewer players.
- Pat MacMillan
Crystal clear roles characterize high performance teams. Every team member is clear about his or her particular role as well as those of the other team members.
- Pat MacMillan
To respect someone in a team setting means to show honor and esteem for his or her contribution. We must acknowledge that we need one another and we must show equal concern for every member. If one member suffers, we all suffer. If one member is honored, we are all honored. We are a team.
- Pat MacMillan
Ultimately leadership boils down to a relationship. High-quality relationships are based on trust—trust of one anothers' competence as well as character.
- Pat MacMillan