Quotes about Collaboration
A TABLE: FEW TO MANY—IT ENABLES GROWTH The birth of transformation starts in the heart of an individual, and the growth of the movement happens around a table. Mass movements don't begin with the masses. They begin with a few people. When people can sit around the table together as equal contributors, everyone wins.
- John Maxwell
However, as a leader, if you can add results to relationships and develop a team of people who like each other and get things done, you have created a powerful combination.
- John Maxwell
No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you're playing a solo game, you'll always lose out to a team.
- John Maxwell
The writer of Proverbs observed that sharp people sharpen one another, just as iron sharpens iron. If you want to be a sharp thinker, be around sharp people.
- John Maxwell
If you really want to be an uncommon leader, you're going to have to find a way to get much of your vision seen, implemented, and added to by others.
- John Maxwell
But empowering others by giving them your authority has the same effect as sharing information: You haven't lost anything. You have increased the ability of others without decreasing yourself.
- John Maxwell
Most good leaders want the perspective of people they trust.
- John Maxwell
Good ideas must be shared, improved upon with the help of other good thinkers, and then they must be implemented and acted upon.
- John Maxwell
transformation is possible for anyone willing to learn and live good values, value people, and collaborate with others to create a positive values culture.
- John Maxwell
Where Are You Holding Up Your Team? If you are not asking the members of your team how you can serve them, you may be holding them up. To find out, go to each team member individually and ask, "What could I do for you that would make your job easier, make you more successful, and make the team better?" Listen without interrupting to what people have to say, and then try to figure out ways to do what you can to serve them.
- John Maxwell
Remember that success is just 15 percent product knowledge and it's 85 percent people knowledge.
- John Maxwell
When you give of yourself, it benefits you, the organization, and the receiver.
- John Maxwell