Quotes about Story
Embedded in the larger story of redemption is a principle we must not miss: God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things in the lives of others.
- Paul David Tripp
The Christmas story is not intended to teach you a bunch of moral lessons that require no history to be helpful. It's a story that is rooted in real history, real acts of God that are intended to provide for you and me the one thing we desperately need: moral rescue. The Christmas story is about a God of glorious grace on the march, invading human history with the grace of redemption.
- Paul David Tripp
Our deepest problem is that we seek to find our identity outside the story of redemption.
- Paul David Tripp
None of us gets our dream in the way that we dreamt it, because none of us is writing our own story. God, in his love, writes a better story than we could ever write for ourselves. He has a better dream than the one we conceive. He knows much better than we do what is best for us. He will take us places that we never intended to go because, in doing so, we become more of what he re-created us in Christ to be.
- Paul David Tripp
You could say that the advice here is to connect everything you require of your children in behavior and belief to the story of redemption.
- Paul David Tripp
Since God writes your story, he knows what you're facing and exactly what grace you'll need to live his way.
- Paul David Tripp
Only as we see our story enfolded in the larger story of redemption will we begin to live God-honoring lives.
- Paul David Tripp
Your story is a biography of wisdom and grace written by another.
- Paul David Tripp
You see, the Advent story reminds us that our past, present, and future hope rest not on our willingness, but on the willingness of the One for whom the angels sang, the shepherds worshiped, and the magi searched. Willing Jesus is the only hope for unwilling sinners!
- Paul David Tripp
Our goal is to help one another live with a "God's story" mentality. Our mission is to teach, admonish, and encourage one another to rest in his sovereignty, rather than establishing our own; to rely on his grace rather than performing on our own; and to submit to his glory rather than seeking our own.
- Paul David Tripp
Can you tell the story of redemption in one sentence? Sin has driven us out of the garden, but grace drives us right into the Father's arms.
- Paul David Tripp
the Advent story reminds us that our past, present, and future hope rest not on our willingness, but on the willingness of the One for whom the angels sang, the shepherds worshiped, and the magi searched. Willing Jesus is the only hope for unwilling sinners!
- Paul David Tripp