Quotes about Story
The true story of every person in this world is not the story you see, the external story. The true story of each person is the journey of his or her heart.
- John Eldredge
Live your life from your heart. Share from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people's souls.
- Melody Beattie
The story God is writing through your life is someone else's subplot. It was true for David's mighty men. It's true for me. And it's true for you.
- Mark Batterson
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
- Maya Angelou
I think it is significant that it is the younger churches with no pretensions to western `sophistication' who look at the Acts, learn from it, and go out in the power of the same Lord expecting him to do equally mighty things through them. That is happening in Latin America, much of Asia, and a great deal of Africa. The Christians in these regions seem to have a facility we have lost for reading the story, learning from it, and applying it.
- Michael Green
Donald Trump produced on a daily basis an astonishing, can't-stop-following-it narrative.
- Michael Wolff
We read scripture in order to be refreshed in our memory and understanding of the story within which we ourselves are actors, to be reminded where it has come from and where it is going to, and hence what our own part within it ought to be.
- NT Wright
I am convinced that when we bring our griefs and sorrows within the story of God's own grief and sorrow, and allow them to be held there, God is able to bring healing to us ans new possibilities to our lives. That is, of course, what Good Friday and Easter are all about
- NT Wright
Your calling may be to find new ways to tell the story of redemption, to create fresh symbols tat will speak of a home for the homeless, the end of exile, the replanting of the garden, the rebuilding of the house.
- NT Wright
What the Gospels offer is not a philosophical explanation of evil—what it is or why it's there—but the story of an event in which the living God deals with it
- NT Wright
What good news regularly does, then, is to put a new event into an old story, point to a wonderful future hitherto out of reach, and so introduce a new period in which, instead of living a hopeless life, people are now waiting with excitement for what they know is on the way.
- NT Wright
The Bible is the story so far in the true novel that God is still writing.
- NT Wright