Quotes about Undeserved
The underlying foundation of the Christian faith is the undeserved, limitless miracle of the love of God that was exhibited on the Cross of Calvary; a love that is not earned and can never be.
- Oswald Chambers
Like a fluttering sparrow or darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.
- Proverbs 26:2
We must admit that God owes us nothing. Before we charge God with not caring, we must thank Him for those times when His care is very evident. We are ever surrounded by undeserved blessings. Even in His silence, He blesses us.
- David Jeremiah
Like grace, forgiveness has about it the maddening quality of being undeserved, unmerited, unfair.
- Philip Yancey
Envy among other ingredients has a mixture of the love of justice in it. We are more angry at undeserved than at deserved good-fortune.
- William Hazlitt
Grace is heartfelt, tinged with love, a spillover gift of the God who extended undeserved favor toward us.
- Philip Yancey
Every breath we take is a gift of grace. Every heartbeat, undeserved. Life and death are finally in the hands of God:
- John Piper
As the sin of Adam was legally and effectively the sin of his race; so the death of Christ was legally and effectively the death of his people."7 Since our death has already occurred, we do not bear that condemnation (Romans 8:1—3). That is the essence of the love of Christ for us. Through his own undeserved death, he died our well-deserved death and opened his future as our future.
- John Piper
I loathe your ideals because I know no worse injustice than the giving of the undeserved.
- Ayn Rand
Grace is the offer of exactly what we do not deserve. Thus, it cannot be recognized or received until we are aware of precisely how undeserving we really are. It is the knowledge of what we do not deserve that allows us to receive grace for what it is. Unmerited. Unearned. Undeserved. For that reason, grace can only be experienced by those who acknowledge they are undeserving.
- Andy Stanley
On the one hand, undeserved success gives no satisfaction... but, on the other hand, well-deserved failure gives no satisfaction either.
- John Calvin
12By Silvanus, our faithful brother (as I consider him), I have written to you briefly, to counsel and testify that this is the true grace [the undeserved favor] of God. Stand firm in it!
- Joyce Meyer