Quotes about Relationship
God is determined that you should be in every respect his friend, his companion, his dwelling place.
- John Ortberg
God is not interested in your "spiritual life." God is just interested in your life.
- John Ortberg
Watch a marriage that was begun with hope and dreams, but has now plateaued, where affections have cooled and intimacy has faded. Rather than name the problem, face their pain, and ask for help, the couple resign themselves to a life of mediocrity, living together as intimate strangers. See a middle-aged man who spends
- John Ortberg
The Holy Spirit is said to be the divine, eternal, mutual love of the Father and the Son.
- John Owen
Isa. xliii. 22, "Thou hast not called upon me, thou hast been weary of me.
- John Owen
It is true, our interest in God is not built upon our holiness; but it is as true that we have none without it.
- John Owen
The only time I ever find my dealings with God less than clear-cut is when I'm not being honest with Him. The fuzziness is always on my side, not His.
- Catherine Marshall
A mother's treasure is her daughter.
- Catherine Pulsifer
We make our friends we make our enemies but God makes our next door neighbour.
- GK Chesterton
Why? Why indeed. It was a sticky, impossible question and I didn't know how to answer it. How far back did I have to go to find the place where our roads diverged? How could I explain that sometimes a thousand little things added up to something so big it had the power to crush a relationship.
- Glenn Beck
How sweet is the assurance, how comforting is the peace that come from the knowledge that if we marry right and live right, our relationship will continue, notwithstanding the certainty of death and the passage of time. Men may write love songs and sing them. They may yearn and hope and dream. But all of this will be only a romantic longing unless there is an exercise of authority that transcends the powers of time and death.
- Gordon Hinckley
God has brought us together as families to bring to pass His eternal purposes. We are part of this plan in this marriage relationship. let us love and respect and honor one another. We can do it, and we will be the better for it.
- Gordon Hinckley