Quotes about Relationship
Many in Jesus' day saw him, but they didn't have communion with him. You can have more of Christ by faith than they had by sight.
- Kevin DeYoung
I learned that faith isn't about knowing all of the right stuff or obeying a list of rules. It's something more, something more costly because it involves being present and making a sacrifice.
- Bob Goff
He's the kind of man a woman would have to marry to get rid of.
- Mae West
A woman in love can't be reasonable--or she probably wouldn't be in love.
- Mae West
My voice thou oft hast heard and hast not feared, But oft rejoiced
- John Milton
so to add what wants in the female sex, the more to draw his love, and render me more equal, and perhaps, a thing not undesirable, sometime superior: for inferior, who is free?
- John Milton
Freely we serve, because we freely love, as in our will to love or not; in this we stand or fall
- John Milton
If we seem to get no good by attempting to draw near to Him, we may be sure we will get none by keeping away from Him.
- John Newton
If you once love Him, you will study to please Him.
- John Newton
The story of the Bible isn't primarily about the desire of people to be with God; it's the desire of God to be with people.
- John Ortberg
Prayer, perhaps more than any other activity, is the concrete expression of the fact that we are invited into a relationship with God.
- John Ortberg
God wants to be known, but not in a way that overwhelms us, that takes away the possibility of love freely chosen. "God is like a person who clears his throat while hiding and so gives himself away," said Meister Eckhart.
- John Ortberg