Quotes about Relationship
Your real Father is God. He's the only Father who will never disappoint you. And from the time He formed you in your mother's womb, He already knew you and loved you more than Karl Bauer or any other man ever could.
- Lynn Austin
Love isn't always a feeling. Sometimes it's a decision.
- Lynn Austin
Love will require mutual trust, opening your hearts and lives to each other. It takes work to build a true relationship. The same is true of Yahweh.
- Lynn Austin
You see, here's the word for man—and the word for woman. All the letters are the same except for these two. And if you put those two letters together, they form the name of God. If you share a love for each other and for God, His presence will dwell in your midst.
- Lynn Austin
But in a compromise, both people need to sacrifice something for the sake of the other person, and hopefully they'll both be happy with the outcome in the end. You're giving up being a pastor, but I'm not sure what exactly Caroline will be giving up.
- Lynn Austin
Jerusalem's wall is real, but it's also symbolic," he said. "In a way, we destroyed the wall ourselves by relying on idols instead of on God. We destroyed it by desecrating His Sabbaths. By ignoring the laws He gave us, laws that teach us how to live. These ruins are a picture of what we did to our relationship with the Almighty One—we demolished it. Now it's time to rebuild what our sins have destroyed.
- Lynn Austin
We should be dissatisfied with the stale, routine way we've been worshiping and seek His presence. We should build the temple and build a relationship with Him that's genuine and real.
- Lynn Austin
Ah, but that would require a spending time with God--more than an hour or two on Sunday, I suspect--getting to know Him, communing with Him, praising Him.
- Lynn Austin
God] wants us to work with Him, honey. Not for Him.
- Lynn Austin
So I fight for her. Not because we will reconnect. We haven't. And we might not. Not because she's right. Not because I'm right. I fight for her simply because I want to stay right in step with honoring God.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Ask Jesus to help you fully understand the joys of obedience. Also, ask Him how you can be a woman fully committed to obedience without slipping into a legalistic approach to life. We must always remember our goal is pursuing revelations of Him. Our focus can't be just following rules but following Jesus Himself.
- Lysa TerKeurst
great love isn't two people finding the perfect match in each other. Great love is two people making the choice to be a match. A
- Lysa TerKeurst