Quotes about Relationship
David is looking up into the immensity of God's creation, yet he still knows he has a relationship with the One who made the sun and the moon and the stars and the heavens. He's blown away by God's indirect answer. All this, yet God still cares for us. All this, yet the God of the universe still knows our names. All this, yet God has chosen us. He's made us his sons and daughters. He loves us. He cherishes us.
- Louie Giglio
Puritan Thomas Gataker (1574—1654) said, "There is no society [relationship] more near, more entire, more needful, more kindly, more delightful, more comfortable, more constant, more continual, than the society of man and wife." By the grace of God, such friendship between husbands and wives is possible and practical and should be our priority.
- Joel Beeke
Among all the disappointments and perplexities which have fallen my share in life, nothing has contributed so much to support my mind as the choice blessing of a wife....
- John Adams
Father, I want to continue to always grow into a more intimate relationship with You. Expose the areas of my life that hinder me from being Christlike, and cause my life to reflect the character of my precious Savior and Lord.
- John Bevere
Love is the bottom line in our relationship with the Lord—not love of principles or teachings but love for the Person of Jesus Christ.
- John Bevere
Holy fear is the key to God's sure foundation, unlocking the treasuries of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. Along with the love of God, it composes the very foundation of life! We will soon learn that we cannot truly love God until we fear Him, nor can we properly fear Him until we love Him.
- John Bevere
The Lord then brought to my remembrance that His Word did not say, Children, obey your parents only if they are born again. He explained, You are my Child; therefore, I place My wisdom and instruction in the hearts of your parents for your guidance and protection.
- John Bevere
True love is founded in the truth of who God really is.
- John Bevere
We probably don't have to convince you that your spouse isn't perfect. No one is! But mistakes create opportunities for us to extend God's grace. Our willingness to forgive is one of the greatest evidences of Christ within us.
- John Bevere
We should not serve the Lord for what He can do but rather for who He is and what He has already done for us.
- John Bevere
God has brought His Church into the wilderness. Spiritually, America is a dry and thirsty land. Our time of testing is at hand. God once again watches to see whether His people will seek His face or His hand. His face represents His character and nature; it denotes a relationship. His hand represents His provision and power. If you seek only His hand, you may not recognize His face. But if you know the face, you will know His hand.
- John Bevere
John, I'm not saying that if you keep My commandments, you prove to Me that you love Me," He said. "I already know whether you love Me or not! What I'm saying is if a man falls head over heels in love with Me, he will be the one enabled to keep My commandments!
- John Bevere