Quotes about Relationship
We all want to spend eternity with God. We just don't want to spend time with Him.
- Mark Batterson
As the interview ended, I asked him one last question: "If you had one thing to say about God and man, what would you say?" He paused, switched to English, and said, "Man is not valuable because he loves God. Man is valuable because God loves him.
- Mark Batterson
God's love is proactive. He doesn't wait for us to get our act together. God always makes the first move. And we're called to follow suit.
- Mark Batterson
In working through nonreligious language to explain that journey, the idea of place became very important. Jesus says, "Here's the deal! I'll leave My place. I'll come to your place. I'll take your place. And then we'll go to My place." This simplicity captured me. Everyone understands places. We all have them. It's where we live our lives day to day. Then Jesus walks into our place and redirects us.
- Mark Batterson
God trusts most those who know Him best, and those who know Him best are those who have spent the most time with Him.
- Mark Batterson
Maybe faith has less to do with gaining knowledge and more to do with causing wonder. Maybe a relationship with God doesn't simplify your lives. Maybe it complicates our lives in ways that they should be complicated.
- Mark Batterson
The goal of marriage is not happiness, it is holiness...There is no mechanism whereby God can sanctify a person more than having them live in close proximity to another imperfect person. ...Our fundamental problem is that we are selfish. Marriage is the means whereby God eradicates our selfishness because it is not about "me" anymore, i t is about "we.
- Mark Batterson
Holiness is not a bid to be noticed or loved or accepted by God. Holiness, rather, is acting out and acting upon the truth that God has noticed, loved and accepted us long before we did anything to warrant that.
- Mark Buchanan
People can creatively devise how to approach a mute God, but they must listen to a speaking God.
- Mark Dever
On the Sabbath day, we are remembering that my relationship with God did not begin with what I've done, it is not sustained by what I do, and it is not guaranteed to the end by my effort or work. I'm saved from beginning to end by Jesus' work.
- Mark Driscoll
When you are lying in bed angry with your backs turned towards each other, imagine Satan sleeping in the space between you.
- Mark Driscoll
While it only takes one spouse to be friendly, it takes both spouses to be friends. When both spouses are unfriendly, the marriage is marked by conflict and coldness. When one spouse is friendly and the other is unfriendly, the marriage is marked by selfishness and sadness. But when both spouses each make a deep, heartfelt covenant with God to continually seek to become a better friend, increasing love and laughter mark the marriage.
- Mark Driscoll