Quotes about Relationship
Nay, you'll be ashamed of me everyday of your life, he answered; and the more ashamed, the more you know me; and I cannot bide it.
- Emily Bronte
Perceiving myself in a blunder, I attempted to correct it. I might have seen there was too great a disparity between the ages of the parties to make it likely that they were man and wife. One was about forty: a period of mental vigour at which men seldom cherish the delusion of being married for love by girls: that dream is reserved for the solace of our declining years. The other did not look seventeen.
- Emily Bronte
If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger:
- Emily Bronte
My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.
- Emily Bronte
She went of her own accord,' answered the master; 'she has a right to go if she please. Trouble me no more about her. Hereafter she is only me sister in name: not because I disown her, but because she has disowned me.
- Emily Bronte
Seeing that our birth involves the blending of these two things—the body, on the one hand, that we share with animals, and, on the other hand, rationality and intelligence, that we share with the gods—most of us incline to this former relationship, wretched and dead though it is, while only a few to the one that is divine and blessed.
- Epictetus
Every good relationship, especially marriage, is based on respect. If it's not based on respect, nothing that appears to be good will last very long.
- Amy Grant
Heaven will be no heaven to me if I do not meet my wife there.
- Andrew Jackson
The human longings that are deep inside of us never go away. They exist across cultures; they exist throughout life. When people were first made, our deepest longing was to know and be known. And after the Fall, when we all got weird, it's still our deepest longing - but it's now also our deepest fear.
- John Ortberg
When I was a little child, my parents taught me by example to pray. I began with a picture in my mind of Heavenly Father being far away. As I have matured, my experience with prayer has changed. The picture in my mind has become one of a Heavenly Father who is close by, who is bathed in a bright light, and who knows me perfectly.
- Henry B. Eyring
I've taught a lot about prayer over the years and how it is really just talking to God.
- Joyce Meyer
You are our dearly beloved brothers, and in a certain way, it could be said that you are our elder brothers.
- Pope John Paul II