Quotes about Relationship
I am honored to be one of this year's Urbanworld ambassadors for the festival's 20th anniversary, joining my friend David Oyelowo. I have always had a special relationship with Urbanworld, back to my days as a festival publicist to previewing my earlier films and now as an ambassador.
- Ava DuVernay
It's too bad prayer comes bundled in a package of 'spiritual disciplines.' Really, we should see prayer as a spiritual privilege. We don't do it as a callisthenic exercise to gain points with God; we do it, because it is good for us in every way.
- Philip Yancey
In my relationship with God, I've learned that if I follow a 'formula' for how I spend my time with Him, then I'm just accomplishing a checklist of things I feel obligated to do to please Him. This makes my spiritual life more about doing what I need to do to fulfill an obligation than something meaningful.
- Joyce Meyer
It is plain indeed that in spite of later estrangement Hobbits are relatives of ours: far nearer to us than Elves, or even than Dwarves. Of old they spoke the languages of Men, after their own fashion, and liked and disliked much the same things as Men did. But what exactly our relationship is can no longer be discovered.
- JRR Tolkien
In Christian marriage, love is not an option. It is a duty.
- RC Sproul
No marriage can survive without forgiveness. Marriage is a long term commitment between two sinners.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Heaven will be no heaven to me if I do not meet my wife there.
- Andrew Jackson
Marriage isn't just a choice. It's choosing the same person a million times.
- Danny Silk
Nothing will undermine your effectiveness as a leader faster than a bad marriage.
- Michael Hyatt
Try praising your wife, even if it does frighten her at first.
- Billy Sunday
We will never obtain God's kind of marriage simply by going along with the crowd, doing what everybody else does. We have to dig deep into the heart of God to discover His principles.
- Myles Munroe
Find an independent woman-who loves you for you and will be your best friend. I got it right the first time and was very, very lucky.
- Jon Bon Jovi