Quotes about Relationship
He's exasperated. "I'm saying I'm in love with you! I've been in love with you this whole bleeding year!
- Stephanie Perkins
Faith is not won by arguments. Faith is won by an experience of love.
- Tessa Afshar
My name be Clark Davis", he hurried on, "an it peers to me thet you an' me be in need of one another".
- Janette Oke
For any created being, autonomy is lunacy. Freedom involves trust and obedience inside a relationship of love.
- William Paul Young
The way to my heart is through your heart.
- Marty Rubin
Fortunate is the young woman who learns this great truth and keeps her lover always guessing, always on the defensive lest he may lose her. Our
- Napoleon Hill
If a man preach the Golden Rule as a sound rule of conduct his words will fall upon deaf ears if he does not practice that which he preaches. The most effective sermon that any man can preach on the soundness of the Golden Rule is that which he preaches, by suggestion, when he applies this rule in his relationships with his fellow men.
- Napoleon Hill
I'm not leaving you. Not going it alone. Not looking at the memory of you everytime I close my eyes.
- Charles Martin
A warning is in order. Reject any teaching that even suggests material wealth, physical health, or favorable circumstances have anything to do with the amount of faith you have or how pleased God happens to be with you. And beware those who teach that financial donations will unlock an endless abundance of God's blessings. They are false shepherds who will rob you of your money and destroy your relationship with God. The "faith" they proclaim is a toxic faith.
- Charles Swindoll
The Word didn't become flesh to establish a new religion. He became one of us to restore a broken relationship. He came to restore the true worship of God, which doesn't presume to earn His blessing through good deeds but rejoices in the unmerited favor He delights to give. Unfortunately, the roots of pride run deep into our flesh; therefore, the ability to accept grace does not come naturally, only supernaturally.
- Charles Swindoll
But the second half of the message has been sorely neglected: the part about God's dream that you become a precious and cherished son or daughter living in deep union with Him.
- Chip Ingram
When you bow your head to pray—when you're in a jam and you need to ask God for something—are you aware of who you're talking to?
- Chip Ingram