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Quotes about Relationship

So prayer is a total activity, incorporating many elements essential to a personal relationship between two persons—persons different from and related to one another as the Father is to his children on earth. But still the heart of prayer is the request.
- Dallas Willard
We demean God by considering him a cosmic boss who orders humans around
- Dallas Willard
There is a distinctive emphasis by Jesus on loving your neighbor, your "near dweller," not upon loving "humanity" or "everyone."19 What this means is that our duty and our virtue is to love those with whom we are in effectual contact—those we can really do something about.
- Dallas Willard
Nowhere is it more important to be in a conversational relationship with God than in our prayer life.
- Dallas Willard
Our relationship with Jesus, which he argued ultimately allows us to establish a relationship with the kingdom of God. This relationship is one of discipleship in which we learn to live our lives as Jesus would through progressively embodying and manifesting a Christlike character, which is attained through establishing a discipling relationship to Jesus.
- Dallas Willard
Sit in the companionship of God—the one who shows up and can be seen.
- Dallas Willard
The heart, or will, simply is spirit in human beings. It is the human spirit, and the only thing in us that God will accept as the basis of our relationship to him. It is the spiritual plane of our natural existence, the place of truth before God, from where alone our whole lives can become eternal.
- Dallas Willard
If we do seek him, he will certainly find us, and then we, ever more deeply, find him.
- Dallas Willard
The Bible is the unique written Word of God. It is inerrant in its original form and infallible in all of its forms for the purpose of guiding you into a life-saving relationship with God in His kingdom. The Bible contains a body of knowledge without which human beings cannot survive. It reliably fixes the boundaries of everything God will ever say to humankind.
- Dallas Willard
But responsibility and initiative are the heart of our relationship with God. We are not robots, and he does not work with robots.
- Dallas Willard
If a law had been given capable of bringing people to life," Paul said, "then righteousness would have come from that law" (Gal. 3:21). But law, for all its magnificence, cannot do that. Graceful relationship sustained with the masterful Christ certainly can.
- Dallas Willard
He calls us to him to impart himself to us. He does not call us to do what he did, but to be as he was, permeated with love. Then the doing of what he did and said becomes the natural expression of who we are in him.
- Dallas Willard