Quotes about Relationship
I'll let John Baillie answer that. He was a distinguished professor who taught theology at the University of Edinburgh. He said: "What makes a man a Christian is neither his intellectual acceptance of certain ideas, nor his conformity to a certain rule, but his possession of a certain Spirit, and his participation in a certain Life.
- Dale Carnegie
create a bond through some shared interest by telling them something about yourself?
- Dale Carnegie
have discovered from personal experience that one can win the attention and time and cooperation of even the most sought-after people by becoming genuinely interested in them.
- Dale Carnegie
They are far more likely to return the favor.
- Dale Carnegie
Who can resist being around a person who suspends his thoughts in order to value yours?
- Dale Carnegie
Still today the Old Testament book of Psalms gives great power for faith and life. This is simply because it preserves a conceptually rich language about God and our relationships to him. If you bury yourself in Psalms, you emerge knowing God and understanding life.
- Dallas Willard
The familiar words of Jesus are "Without me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). But these must be balanced by the insight that, in general, if we do nothing it will certainly be without him.
- Dallas Willard
We have the ability and responsibility to keep God present in our minds, and those who do so will make steady progress toward him, for he will respond by making himself known to us.
- Dallas Willard
Specifically, in our attempts to understand how God speaks to us and guides us we must, above all, hold on to the fact that learning how to hear God is to be sought only as a part of a certain kind of life, a life of loving fellowship with the King and his other subjects within the kingdom of the heavens.
- Dallas Willard
People are meant to live in an ongoing conversation with God, speaking and being spoken to.
- Dallas Willard
The disciplines are practices that change the inner self and its relationship to the "helper" (paraclete), so that we can actually do what we would and avoid what we would not. They of course have no point apart from the serious intent to obey Christ's teaching and follow his example.
- Dallas Willard
Witnessing is not thought of as bringing knowledge, but as attempts to convince people to do things. When you divorce faith from knowledge, you wind up in the position of trying to get people to do things, not of providing them with a basis on which they can then decide how to live and how to lead their lives together. Witnessing has turned into a kind of process of bothering people, and very few people witness because of that.
- Dallas Willard