Quotes about Work
Pray as if it's up to God, work as if it's up to you.
- Oprah Winfrey
That Religion is not devotion, but work and suffering for the love of God; this is the true doctrine of Mystics.
- Florence Nightingale
We go astray when we think that we can do spiritual work without spiritual power.
- AW Tozer
We were created for meaningful work, and one of life's greatest pleasures is the satisfaction of a job well done.
- John Maxwell
A lot of jobs don't allow you to be who you are. There is dignity in work only when it is work freely accepted.
- Albert Camus
Every member must work or quit. No honorary members.
- Charles Finney
The child of God works not for life, but from life; he does not work to be saved, but works because he is saved
- Charles Spurgeon
I've always believed in God. I remember once a guy asked me what it was like to be self-employed. I said, I'm not self employed. I work for God. The pay is good; He works me hard.
- Jack Canfield
There is no fatigue so wearisome as that which comes from lack of work.
- Charles Spurgeon
As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Work will cure your grief. Serve others.
- Gordon Hinckley
Choose action, not rest. Choose the good in life in all things, and choose the opportunity as well as the chance to work when springtime smiles on your face.
- Jim Rohn