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Quotes about Work

To create a work of art, great or small, is work, hard work, and work requires discipline and order.
- Madeleine L'Engle
In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and - SNAP - the job's a game!
- Julie Andrews
I have never known a concern to make a decided success that did not do good, honest work, and even in these days of the fiercest competition, when everything would seem to be a matter of price, there lies still at the root of great business success the very much more important factor of quality.
- Andrew Carnegie
Prayer not only teaches and strengthens one for work, work teaches and strengthens one for prayer.
- Andrew Murray
Let waiting be our work, as it is His. And, if His waiting is nothing but goodness and graciousness, let ours be nothing but a rejoicing in that goodness, and a confident expectancy of that grace. And, let every thought of waiting become to us the simple expression of unmingled and unutterable blessedness, because it brings us to a God who waits that He may make Himself known to us perfectly as the gracious One.   My soul, wait thou only upon God!
- Andrew Murray
Do not confuse work and fruit. There may be a good deal of work for Christians that is not the fruit of the Heavenly Vine.
- Andrew Murray
If salvation indeed comes from God, and is entirely His work, just as creation was, it follows, as a matter of course, that our first and highest duty is to wait on Him to do the work that pleases Him.
- Andrew Murray
Faith is the one condition on which all divine power can enter into man and work through him.
- Andrew Murray
It is the one who does what God commands to whom God can entrust His work, whom God can use to be a type of savior to others.
- Andrew Murray
A machine can do work; only life can bear fruit. A law can compel work; only love can spontaneously bring forth fruit. Work implies effort and labor; the essential idea of fruit is that it is the silent, natural, restful produce of our inner life.
- Andrew Murray
It is only love that can fit us for the work of intercession.
- Andrew Murray
Let us never be afraid to be still before God; we shall then carry that stillness into our work; and when we go to church on Sunday, or to the prayer-meeting on week-days, it will be with the one desire that nothing may stand betwixt us and God, and that we may never be so occupied with hearing and listening as to forget the presence of God.
- Andrew Murray