Quotes about Work
Lord, in our work for justice, let us not seek after martyrdom for its own sake, but neither let us turn away from your truth because we fear suffering. Give us grace to live faithfully whatever the cost. Amen.
- Shane Claiborne
An older charismatic woman told me, "If the devil can't steal your soul, he'll just keep you busy doing meaningless church work." There
- Shane Claiborne
The happiest people are those who have learned to mix play with their work and to bind the two together with enthusiasm.
- Napoleon Hill
Big pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found together.
- Napoleon Hill
What would happen to the world without those who do, think, work, produce? Those are the egotists. You don't think through another's brain and you don't work through another's hands. When you suspend your faculty of independent judgment, you suspend consciousness. To stop consciousness is to stop life.
- Ayn Rand
Do you ever look at the people in the street? Aren't you afraid of them? I am. They move past you and they wear hats and they carry bundles. But that's not the substance of them. The substance of them is hatred for any man who loves his work.
- Ayn Rand
No, you do not have to live; it is your basic act of choice; but if you choose to live, you must live as a man—by the work and the judgment of your mind.
- Ayn Rand
to settle down into a job that requires less than your mind's full capacity is to cut your motor and sentence yourself to another kind of motion: decay—that
- Ayn Rand
I'm also hard at work on plans for the Obama Library. And some have suggested that we put it in my birthplace, but I'd rather keep it in the United States. Did anybody not see that joke coming? Show of hands.
- Barack Obama
The men in the painting, the groundskeepers in the garden—they were guardians, I thought, the quiet priests of a good and solemn order. And I would tell myself that I needed to work as hard and take as much care in my job as they did in theirs.
- Barack Obama
Work provides independence and income but also because work provides order, structure, dignity, and opportunities for growth in people's lives.
- Barack Obama
The fuss of being president, the pomp, the press, the physical constraints - all that I could have done without. The actual work, though? The work, I loved. Even when it didn't love me back.
- Barack Obama