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Quotes about Thoughts

Non-comprehenders are often distressed. Not you, though-because with good humor you're blessed. After all, your thoughts went like this, I dare say: It was none but the Lord who made us that way.
- Albert Einstein
What the mind doesn't understand, it worships or fears. I am speaking here of man's mind. The men both worshiped and feared the women.
- Alice Walker
He had no such dreams, certainly. And if he had them, he did not recall them, on rising. Nor could he fathom why this should be so. In fact, dreams, the world of dreams, did not exist for him, as it existed for her. And unlike her, he did not sit before the dwindling fire of their hearth wondering, pondering, nagging the question really, What does this mean?
- Alice Walker
Your thoughts about your circumstances have you down. On the other hand, you can be in one of the biggest battles of your life, and still be filled with joy and peace and victory - if you simply learn how to choose the right thought. It's time to think about what you're thinking about.
- Joel Osteen
When negative thoughts come, the key is to never verbalize them.
- Joel Osteen
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life" (Prov. 4:23 KJV).
- Joel Osteen
We draw in what we constantly think about. You can't think defeat and have victory. You can't think weak and have strength. You can't think you're not able and accomplish your dreams. Your life is going to follow your thoughts.
- Joel Osteen
Father in heaven, thank You for giving me the power to delete negative, discouraging thoughts that come to contaminate my thinking. Equip me with the truth and help me to become an expert at hitting the delete button. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
- Joel Osteen
want any strangers coming in. That's where you live. That's your home. You need to have that same thinking when it comes to your mind. "This is where I live. This is who I am. This is my future. I'm not going to let just any thought come in and have a permanent home. I'm going to guard the doorway to my mind and only give a room to thoughts of hope, thoughts of faith, and thoughts of victory.
- Joel Osteen
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." ISAIAH 55:9
- Joel Osteen
Don't let negative pictures play on the movie screen of your mind. You are the director and the audience. You are in charge. Take the remote control. Change the channel. If you let your imagination run wild, let it run wild in a positive direction.
- Joel Osteen
We can't stop the negative voices from speaking, but we can choose whether or not we're going to dwell on what they say.
- Joel Osteen