Quotes about Accusation
You must not refuse to do this, or you, too, will be accused. In the town they have convicted entire families." Richard said, "There was another carpenter, once, and he would have refused to do this thing. Him I will follow.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Diotrephes and Demetrius 9 I have written something to the Church; but Diot'rephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge my authority. 10So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, accusing me falsely with evil words. And not content with that, he refuses himself to welcome the brethren, and also stops those who want to welcome them and puts them out of the Church. 11 Beloved, do not
- Scott Hahn
Satan accuses God of falsehoods of envy, and of malignity, and our first parents subscribe to a calumny thus vile and execrable.
- John Calvin
We are at fault for not slaying the Jews.
- Martin Luther
As fire when thrown into water is cooled down and put out, so also a false accusation when brought against a man of the purest and holiest character, boils over and is at once dissipated, and vanishes and threats of heaven and sea, himself standing unmoved.
- Cicero
This day I ceased to plead. I was no longer capable of lamentation. On the contrary, I felt very strong. I was the accuser, God the accused.
- Elie Wiesel
But now, I no longer pleaded for anything. I was no longer able to lament. On the contrary, I felt very strong. I was the accuser, God the accused. My eyes had opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without God, without man. Without love or mercy. I was nothing but ashes now, but I felt myself to be stronger than this Almighty to whom my life had been bound for so long. In the midst of these men assembled for prayer, I felt like an observer, a stranger.
- Elie Wiesel
But you will find yourself disarmed utterly, and your accusing spirit transformed into loving forgiveness the moment you remember that you did, in fact, marry only a sinner, and so did he.
- Elisabeth Elliot
All impeachments, I guess, are political.
- John Kennedy
Self-absorbed people experience a lot of disappointment and anger, and they often have a hair trigger when it comes to accusing God or anyone else who doesn't meet their demands. We often hear them say, "That's not fair!
- Zig Ziglar
If you choose, you are free; if you choose, you need blame no man—accuse no man. All things will be at once according to your mind and according to the Mind of God.
- Epictetus
Any talk of me engaging in a conspiracy against Pakistan is completely baseless.
- Malala Yousafzai