Quotes about Soul
Boys and girls in America have such a sad time together; sophistication demands that they submit to sex immediately without proper preliminary talk. Not courting talk-real straight talk about souls, for life is holy and every moment is precious.
- Jack Kerouac
Nothing can be compared to the great beauty and capabilities of a soul; however keen our intellects may be, they are as unable to comprehend them as to comprehend God, for, as He has told us, He created us in His own image and likeness.
- Teresa of Avila
Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them.
- George Eliot
God has placed in each soul an apostle to lead us upon the illumined path. Yet many seek life from without, unaware that is within them.
- Khalil Gibran
Don't gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold.
- Bob Marley
The noble soul occupies itself with wisdom and friendship.
- Epicurus
Don't fear the light within. May it ignite the Sacred Flame in your soul.
- Paulo Coelho
There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul.
- Victor Hugo
Wisdom is the health of the soul.
- Victor Hugo
Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul None is more gladdening or fruitful than to know You can regenerate and make yourself what you will.
- William James
Conscience is God present in man.
- Victor Hugo
Myth is an attempt to narrate a whole human experience, of which the purpose is too deep, going too deep in the blood and soul, for mental explanation or description.
- DH Lawrence