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Quotes about Soul

Love has its own communication. It's the language of the heart, while it has never been transcribed, has no alphabet, and can't be heard or spoken by voice, it is used by every human on the planet. It is written on our souls, scripted by the finger of God, and we can hear, understand, and speak it with perfection long before we open our eyes for the first time.
- Charles Martin
We don't like waiting, but that's when God does some of His best work on our souls.
- Charles Swindoll
The conversion of a soul is the miracle of a moment, the manufacture of a saint is the task of a lifetime.
- Charles Swindoll
My constant companions were fears, not God. I convinced myself he was simply on vacation, out carrying someone else on that beach with all the footprints. My heart had shriveled, and my soul was as wrinkled
- Chris Fabry
What happened when these people sang was more than just humans hitting notes. The music seemed to come from somewhere deep inside and when their voices united, it felt like goosebumps on the soul. Something like joy bubbled up from inside her and leaked through her eyes.
- Chris Fabry
All the ache in my heart and the wound in my soul All the tearing apart at saying good-bye All the pain deep inside, like a dam giving way . .
- Chris Fabry
A person looking into a carnival mirror couldn't accurately describe the true person who is being reflected in the mirror. Neither can you accurately say what truth is when you look through the distorted mirror of your soul. The soul within you—how you see a matter—needs to be restored. You do this by exchanging your thoughts for God's truth.
- Tony Evans
Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains.
- Khalil Gibran
Self-sabotage is the common denominator in all forms of anxiety and depression, whether rooted in the body, soul or spirit.
- Kris Vallotton
Unforgiveness imprisons our souls and opens the door to evil spirits in us. In my experience, unforgiveness is the number one reason why Christians are oppressed.
- Kris Vallotton
Prisoners are people who have invited demonic oppression into their lives through a lifestyle of sin. The demons know they have permission to wreak havoc in these prisoners' souls until the prisoners repent. Once a prisoner has repented, the evil spirits no longer have authorization to oppress that person because the roots of sin have been dealt with.
- Kris Vallotton
Any time we turn to the devil's devices to solve the issues of our soul, we step out from under the umbrella of God's protection and become vulnerable to the elements. Freedom comes, as I shared in the story above, by breaking these covenants through verbally renouncing each one of them. When these contracts are destroyed, our enemy loses the legal right to oppress us.
- Kris Vallotton