Quotes about Soul
This night, thy soul may be required of thee.
- Cormac McCarthy
Their arms aloft pulling at their clothes were luminous and each obscure soul was enveloped in audible shapes of light as if it had always been so. The mare at the far end of the stable snorted and shied at this luminosity in beings so endarkened and the little horse turned and hid his face in the web of his dam's flank.
- Cormac McCarthy
Satan is only interested in your soul. He doesnt give a shit about your welfare otherwise.
- Cormac McCarthy
He said that if a person understood the soul of the horse then he would understand all horses that ever were.
- Cormac McCarthy
Just as we are what we eat physically, we are also what we consume spiritually.
- Craig Groeschel
Gudrun entered the taxi, with the deliberate cold movement of a woman who is well-dressed and contemptuous in her soul.
- DH Lawrence
Instead of her soul swaying with new life, it seemed to droop, to bleed, as if it were wounded.
- DH Lawrence
I am not a mechanism, an assembly of various sections. and it is not because the mechanism is working wrongly, that I am ill. I am ill because of wounds to the soul, to the deep emotional self, and the wounds to the soul take a long, long time, only time can help and patience, and a certain difficult repentance long difficult repentance, realization of life's mistake, and the freeing oneself from the endless repetition of the mistake which mankind at large has chosen to sanctify.
- DH Lawrence
What we mean is that people may go on, keep on, and rush on, without souls. They have their ego and their will, that is enough to keep them going.
- DH Lawrence
Then she fell into that rapture of self-sacrifice, identifying herself with a God who was sacrificed, which gives to so many human souls their deepest bliss.
- DH Lawrence
That was all her prayer—not for his soul or his righteousness, but that he might not be wasted. And while he slept, for hours and hours, she thought and prayed for him.
- DH Lawrence
There was no Time, only Space. Who could say his mother had lived and did not live? She had been in one place, and was in another, that was all. And his soul could not leave her, wherever she was. Now she was gone abroad into the night, and he was with her still. They were together.
- DH Lawrence