Quotes about Soul
In temptations it is safest to behold nothing but Christ the true brazen serpent, the true 'Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world', (John 1:29). This saving object has a special influence of comfort to the soul, especially if we look not only on Christ, but upon the Father's authority and love in him. For in all that Christ did and suffered as Mediator, we must see God in him reconciling the world unto himself (2 Cor. 5:19).
- Richard Sibbes
But if we have this for a foundation truth, that there is more mercy in Christ than sin in us, there can be no danger in thorough dealing. It is better to go bruised into heaven than sound to hell. Therefore let us . . . keep ourselves under this work till sin be the sourest, and Christ the sweetest of all things.
- Richard Sibbes
True love is carried to the person; It is adulterous love, to love the thing, or the gift more than the person, St. Paul loved the person of Christ, because he felt sweet experience that Christ loved him; his love was but a reflection of Christ's love first, he loved to see Christ, to embrace him, and enjoy him, that had done so much and suffered so much for his soul, that had forgiven him so many sins
- Richard Sibbes
However, let us remember that grace is increased, in the exercise of it, not by virtue of the exercise itself, but as Christ by his Spirit flows into the soul and brings us nearer to himself, the fountain, so instilling such comfort that the heart is further enlarged.
- Richard Sibbes
He died that he might heal our souls with a plaster of his own blood, and by that death save us, which we were the procurers of ourselves, by our own sins.
- Richard Sibbes
When you are bored, restless, longing for something more, unfulfilled, feeling like you've settled, haunted by the sense of being trapped in your own life, these are the deep waters of your soul speaking to you, telling you something is wrong, something is missing, something needs to change.
- Rob Bell
The failure to understand the infinite depth of the human soul is often why people who are married have affairs. They stop exploring the person they married. They find somebody who appears more interesting.
- Rob Bell
Soul doesn't care what it is or what it should be called. Soul just wants to enter into it. And feel it. And absorb it. And experience it. Soul wants to participate.
- Rob Bell
when you're a pastor, your heart and soul and paycheck and doubts and faith and hopes and struggles and intellect and responsibility are all wrapped up together in a life/job that is very public.
- Rob Bell
A voice said, Look me in the stars And tell me truly, men of earth, If all the soul-and-body scars Were not too much to pay for birth.
- Robert Frost
Far as we aim our signs to reach, Far as we often make them reach, Across the soul-from-soul abyss, There is an aeon-limit set Beyond which they are doomed to miss. Two souls may be too widely met. That sad-with-distance river beach With mortal longing may beseech; It cannot speak as far as this.
- Robert Frost
the eye is the window to the soul, and from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, why can't we all be blind and dumb?
- Kristen Heitzmann