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Quotes about Will

Therefore they escape by the shift that this is done only with God's permission, not also by his will;3 but he, openly declaring that he is the doer, repudiates that evasion. However, that men can accomplish nothing except by God's secret command, that they cannot by deliberating accomplish anything except what he has already decreed with himself and determines by his secret direction, is proved by innumerable and clear testimonies.
- John Calvin
Any man then who would profit by the Scriptures, must hold first of all and firmly that the teaching of the law and the prophets came to us not by the will of man, but as dictated by the Holy Spirit.
- John Calvin
But we must always come back to this consolation: The Lord planned our sorrow, so let us submit to his will. Even in the throes of grief, groans, and tears, we must encourage ourselves with this reflection, so that our hearts may cheerfully bear up while the storms pass over our heads (John 21:18).
- John Calvin
Before we receive any knowledge of God's Fatherly good will for us, the blood of Christ must intercede for us and restore us to God's favor.
- John Calvin
Adam did not take away the will, but made it a slave where it was free. It is not only prone to sin, but is made subject to sin.
- John Calvin
First of all, then, in striving for either convenience or tranquility in this present life, Scripture calls us to resign our wills and everything that is our to the Lord, and to turn the affections of our hearts over to Him to be tamed and bridled.
- John Calvin
Let us remember, therefore, that will in man is one thing, and the free choice of good and evil another: for freedom of choice having been taken away after the fall of the first man, will alone was left; but so completely captive under the tyranny of sin, that it is only inclined to evil.
- John Calvin
For how can some idea of God come into your mind without your immediately thinking (since you are His creation) that by the right of creation you are subject to His rule? That your life ought to be devoted to His service? That all that you plan or say or do should be related to Him? If this is so, it clearly follows that your life is wickedly corrupt unless it is ruled in obedience to His holy will.
- John Calvin
But this passage shows, that what Paul has hitherto meant by the Spirit, is not the mind or understanding (which is called the superior part of the soul by the advocates of freewill) but a celestial gift; for he shows that those are spiritual, not such as obey reason through their own will, but such as God rules by his Spirit.
- John Calvin
in the freest manner, and on no mercenary grounds, does God bestow upon us his love and favor, just as, when we were not yet born, and when he was prompted by nothing but his own will, he fixed upon us his choice.
- John Calvin
God did not look for a cause outside himself, but predestined us because it was his will to do it.
- John Calvin
It is evident from this that people rage against Christ himself when they raise a hue and cry upon hearing that by the will of God some are freely chosen and others are rejected; they do it because they cannot bear to let God have his way.
- John Calvin