Quotes about Will
All the powers of soul and body,memory, understanding, and will, interior and exterior senses, thedesires of spirit and of sense, all workin and by love.
- John of the Cross
Who will deny that true religion consists, in a great measure, in vigorous and lively actings of the inclination and will of the soul, or the fervent exercises of the heart? That religion which God requires, and will accept, does not consist in weak, dull, and lifeless, wishes, raising us but a little above a state of indifference.
- Jonathan Edwards
there is no way that the Will can determine an act of the Will, than by willing that act of the Will, or, which is the same thing, choosing it.
- Jonathan Edwards
Because if the Will be already inclined, before it exerts its own sovereign power on itself, then its inclination is not wholly owing to itself:
- Jonathan Edwards
What influences, directs, or determines, the mind or will, to such a conclusion or choice as it does form?
- Jonathan Edwards
Some speak much of the exquisite sweetness, and rest of soul, that is to be found in the exercise of a spirit of resignation to God, and humble submission to His will.
- Jonathan Edwards
Arminian notion of Liberty of the Will, consisting in the will's Self-determination, is repugnant to itself, and shuts itself wholly out of the world.
- Jonathan Edwards
choice.—The question is, What influences, directs, or determines the mind or Will to come to such a conclusion or choice as it does?
- Jonathan Edwards
the Will (without any metaphysical refining) is, That by which the mind chooses any thing. The faculty of the Will, is that power, or principle of mind, by which it is capable of choosing: an act of the Will is the same as an act of choosing or choice.
- Jonathan Edwards
Does the mind will, in any given manner, without a motive, cause or ground, which renders the given choice, rather than a different choice, certain.
- Jonathan Edwards
By particular and occasional moral Inability, I mean an Inability of the will or heart to a particular act, through the strength or defect of present motives, or of inducements presented to the view of the understanding, on this occasion.—If
- Jonathan Edwards
The church has only one altar, the altar of the Almighty... before which all creatures must kneel... Whoever seeks something other than this must keep away; he cannot join us in the house of God... The church has only one pulpit, and from that pulpit, faith in God will be preached, and no other faith, and no other will than the will of God, however well-intentioned.
- Eric Metaxas