Quotes about Blessedness
Waiting on God] is not only rendered necessary by our sin and helplessness. It is simply and ruly our restoration to our original destiny and our highhest nobility, to our true place and glory as creatures blessedly dependent on the All-Glorious God.
- Andrew Murray
There can be no good but what God works; to wait upon God, and have the heart filled with faith in His working, and in that faith to pray for His mighty power to come down, is our only wisdom. Oh for the eyes of our heart to be opened to see God working in ourselves and in others, and to see how blessed it is to worship and just to wait for His salvation!
- Andrew Murray
Whether we speak of the death to self or a sinking down in humility and meekness before God or faith in the Lamb of God, it all means one thing—a deliverance from self to find our liberty and our blessedness in the living sacrifice of ourselves for all around us. THE END
- Andrew Murray
When God created the universe, it was with the objective of making those He created partakers of His perfection and blessedness, thus showing forth the glory of His love and wisdom and power.
- Andrew Murray
It is that which made the angels, Jesus himself, and the holiest saints humble. It is the first and chief mark of the relationship of the creature to God, of the Son to the Father—it is the secret of blessedness, the desire to be nothing, that allows God to be all in all.
- Andrew Murray
When God created the universe, it was for the single purpose of making the creature a partaker of His perfection and blessedness, and through that, showing the glory of His love, wisdom, and power.
- Andrew Murray
And again, alas! for how many Christians there are for whom, when the word is heard, it has but little attraction, because it has never yet been shown to them as a life that is indeed possible, and unutterably blessed.
- Andrew Murray
I will not learn it until I realize that "God is love," and to claim and receive it as an indwelling power for self-sacrifice. I will not love until I begin to see that my glory, my blessedness, is to be like God and like Christ, in giving up everything in myself for my fellow-men.
- Andrew Murray
He only who is reduced to nothing in himself, and relies on the mercy of God is poor in spirit
- John Calvin
He is so infinitely blessed, that every perception of His blissful presence imparts a gladness to the heart. Every degree of approach to Him is, in the same proportion, a degree of happiness.
- Susanna Wesley
The godly are designed for unknown and inconceivable happiness.
- Jonathan Edwards
A felicidade nunca é graciosa.Happiness is never gracious.
- Aldous Huxley