Quotes about Sense
Pain and blessings, deep wounds and healed scars, and, thank heaven, a God who could make sense of it all.
- Elizabeth Musser
I think that 'Saving Grace' is pretty funny. I think that the show and the woman have a pretty great sense of humor.
- Holly Hunter
She is to him the reality of romance, the leaner good sense of nonsense, the unveiling of his eyes, the freeing of his soul, the abolition of time, place and circumstance, the etherealization of his blood into rapturous rivers of the very water of life itself, the revelation of all the mysteries and the sanctification of all the dogmas.
- George Bernard Shaw
For they wished to fill the winepress of eloquence not with the tendrils of mere words but with the rich grape juice of good sense.
- Saint Jerome
Most men seem to live according to sense rather than reason.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
I think the sense of our wants, when withal we have a restlessness and a sort of spiritual impatience under them, and can make a din, because we want Him whom our soul loveth, is that which maketh an open door to Christ: and when we think we are going backward, because we feel deadness, we are going forward; for the more sense the more life, and no sense argueth no life.
- Samuel Rutherford
The doctrine that all men are, in any sense, or have been, at any time, free and equal, is an utterly baseless fiction.
- Thomas Henry Huxley
It is, then, clearly impossible for Being to be one in this sense.
- Aristotle
There is danger for him who taketh the tiger cub, and danger also for whoso snatches a delusion from a woman.' There is as much sense in Hafiz as in Horace, and as much knowledge of the world." a
- Arthur Conan Doyle
For a Man cannot believe a Miracle without relying upon Sense, nor Transubstantiation without renouncing it. So that never were any two things so ill coupled together as the Doctrine of Christianity and that of Transubstantiation, because they draw several ways, and are ready to strangle one another: For the main Evidence of the Christian Doctrine, which is Miracles, is resolved into the certainty of Sense, but this Evidence is clear and point blank against Transubstantiation.
- John Tillotson
we need to learn to tell the story that makes sense of Jesus. Not a story that we ask Jesus to fit into.
- Scot McKnight
The Church still prizes the Moral Sense as man's noblest asset today, although the Church knows God had a distinctly poor opinion of it and did what he could in his clumsy way to keep his happy Children of the Garden from acquiring it.
- Mark Twain