Quotes about Sense
Few things are so deadly as a misguided sense of compassion.
- Charles Colson
Much of the alarm hovering at the borders, the gates, is stoked, it seems to me, by (1) both the threat and the promise of globalism and (2) an uneasy relationship with our own foreignness, our own rapidly disintegrating sense of belonging. Let me begin with globalization. In
- Toni Morrison
Jesus didn't come just to tweak things, but to overthrow the kingdom of this world. We are slow to learn and need more stories to help us catch God's kingdom vision and even to help us make sense of the example Jesus sets for us.
- Carolyn Custis James
Science is organized common sense where many a beautiful theory was killed by an ugly fact.
- Thomas Henry Huxley
War has been avoided from a due sense of the miseries, and the demoralization it produces, and of the superior blessings of a state of peace and friendship with all mankind.
- Thomas Jefferson
Wisdom and understanding are synonymous words; they consist of two propositions, which are not distinct in sense, but one and the same thing variously expressed.
- John Tillotson
Arminianism is 'natural' in one sense, in that it represents a characteristic perversion of Biblical teaching by the fallen mind of man.
- JI Packer
The chief source of man's inhumanity to man seems to be the tribal limits of his sense of obligation to other men.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
A harmony established contrary to sense is often more onerous than a war.
- Victor Hugo
Clarel the mentor frequent heard The time for Christ's return allot: A dream, and like a dream it blurred The sense- faded, and was forgot.
- Herman Melville
You see, when a tragedy like this strikes, it is part of our nature to demand explanations - to try to impose some order on the chaos, and make sense out of that which seems senseless.
- Barack Obama
many so-called mental and emotional illnesses are really symptoms of an underlying sense of meaninglessness or emptiness.
- Stephen Covey