Quotes about Violence
Jacob’s other sons came upon the slaughter and looted the city, because their sister had been defiled.
- Genesis 34:27
“Come now, let us kill him and throw him into one of the pits. We can say that a vicious animal has devoured him. Then we shall see what becomes of his dreams!”
- Genesis 37:20
Then they took Joseph’s robe, slaughtered a young goat, and dipped the robe in its blood.
- Genesis 37:31
Simeon and Levi are brothers; their swords are weapons of violence.
- Genesis 49:5
May I never enter their council; may I never join their assembly. For they kill men in their anger, and hamstring oxen on a whim.
- Genesis 49:6
After looking this way and that and seeing no one, he struck down the Egyptian and hid his body in the sand.
- Exodus 2:12
You shall not murder.
- Exodus 20:13
Whoever strikes and kills a man must surely be put to death.
- Exodus 21:12
If men are quarreling and one strikes the other with a stone or a fist, and he does not die but is confined to bed,
- Exodus 21:18
If a thief is caught breaking in and is beaten to death, no one shall be guilty of bloodshed.
- Exodus 22:2
He told them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each of you men is to fasten his sword to his side, go back and forth through the camp from gate to gate, and slay his brother, his friend, and his neighbor.’”
- Exodus 32:27
Rather, you must tear down their altars, smash their sacred stones, and chop down their Asherah poles.
- Exodus 34:13