Quotes about Consideration
Let him consider how all lack of love; all disregard for the needs, feelings, and weakness of others; all sharp and hasty judgments and words, so often excused under the plea of being outright and honest; all manifestations of temper, touchiness, and irritation; all feelings of bitterness and estrangement, have their root in nothing but pride, that only seeks itself.
- Andrew Murray
One of the most important roles the family plays is as the first place where young people grow accustomed to considering the needs of other individuals and the community ahead of themselves.
- Scott Hahn
But at last I began to consider that that which is highly esteemed among men is had in abomination with God. And I thought again, this Shame tells me what men are; but it tells me nothing what God, or the word of God is. And I thought, moreover, that at the day of doom we shall not be doomed to death or life according to the hectoring spirits of the world, but according to the wisdom and law of the Highest.
- John Bunyan
Once we've concluded that this earthly life of ours is a gift of divine mercy—and grateful recollection of this is our obligation—then we rightly stoop to consider this life's miserable condition. And by such consideration we disentangle ourselves from excessive desire for this life, which— as has been said—is our natural inclination.
- John Calvin
The happiness of one does not mean the unhappiness of the others.
- Paulo Coelho
Don't wound someone's eye trying to remove the twig from it.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
I find it most intriguing to contemplate the fact that while men are considering what place to give Jesus Christ in history, He has already decided what place to give them in eternity.
- Leonard Ravenhill
My only hope was to be polite.
- Mark Vonnegut
If you love someone, you don't act like they annoy you. You like them, and you try and make them think they're the most important person in the world to you.
- Susan May Warren
So let your latest grand ideas cool off for a while
- Jason Fried
Making a few vocal customers happy isn't worth it if it ruins the product for everyone else.
- Jason Fried
Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower