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Quotes about Experience

as he strode on, moving almost as fast as a smaller man could have trotted, his body breasting the air her body had vacated, his eyes touching the objects—post and tree and field and house and hill—her eyes had lost.
- William Faulkner
I dont suppose anybody ever deliberately listens to a watch or a clock. You dont have to. You can be oblivious to the sound for a long while, then in a second of ticking it can create in the mind unbroken the long diminishing parade of time you didn't hear.
- William Faulkner
Caminaron juntos, como dos universos distintos de experiencias y sentimientos, incapaces de comunicarse.
- William Golding
What's in a book is not what the author put into it, it's what the reader gets out of it.
- William Golding
If I have not read a book before, it is, for all intents and purposes, new to me whether it was printed yesterday or three hundred years ago.
- William Hazlitt
Knowledge about life is one thing; effective occupation of a place in life, with its dynamic currents passing through your being, is another.
- William James
Pragmatism asks its usual question. Grant an idea or belief to be true, it says, what concrete difference will its being true make in anyone's actual life? How will the truth be realized? What experiences will be different from those which would obtain if the belief were false? What, in short, is the truth's cash-value in experiential terms?
- William James
We must judge the tree by its fruit. The best fruits of the religious experience are the best things history has to offer. The highest flights of charity, devotion, trust, patience, and bravery to which the wings of human nature have spread themselves, have all been flown for religious ideals.
- William James
In forming a judgment of ourselves now, Edwards writes, we should certainly adopt that evidence which our supreme Judge will chiefly make use of when we come to stand before him at the last day…. There is not one grace of the Spirit of God, of the existence of which, in any professor of religion, Christian practice is not the most decisive evidence…. The degree in which our experience is productive of practice shows the degree in which our experience is spiritual and divine.
- William James
These experiences we can only find in individuals for whom religion exists not as a dull habit, but as an acute fever rather. But
- William James
Religious feeling is thus an absolute addition to the subject's range of life. It gives him a new sphere of power. When the outward battle is lost, and the outward world disowns him, it redeems and vivifies an interiour world which otherwise would be an empty waste.
- William James
To play someone who is who they are because of the happiness and contentedness that they've known in their life is interesting because of sort of how banal it is.
- Christina Ricci