Quotes about Experience
As I look back now I wonder how I was ever able to sell anything. I lost years of my life in scrapping and arguing. I keep my mouth shut now. It pays.
- Dale Carnegie
I often think if I had known these things sooner, how different my business would be today.
- Dale Carnegie
You were not born with judgment. That comes only with experience
- Dale Carnegie
Man is not made to understand life, but to live it.
- Dale Carnegie
Truth reveals reality, and reality can be described as what we humans run into when we are wrong, a collision in which we always lose.
- Dallas Willard
There are three main ways in which God comes before the mind, where we can lose ourselves in love of him. These are, of course, also ways in which we may present God to others, as well as ways by which we individually may seek to fill our minds with him. Through them, the lovely God wins the love of the disciple. He comes to us (1) through his creation, (2) through his public acts on the scene of human history, and (3) through individual experiences of him by ourselves and others.
- Dallas Willard
Every Christian must strive to arrive at beliefs about God that faithfully reflect the realities of his or her life and experience, so that each may know how to live effectively before him in his world. That's theology!
- Dallas Willard
Put his words into practice and find them to be true.
- Dallas Willard
Religion as actually lived, not as some figment of the academic imagination, always claims to involve knowledge of how things are.
- Dallas Willard
This can also be a time of confession, in which you ask for the strength to deal with the failures you experience day by day.
- Dallas Willard
So the kingdom of the heavens, from the practical point of view in which we all must live, is simply our experience of Jesus' continual interaction with us in history and throughout the days, hours, and moments of our earthly existence.
- Dallas Willard
"Knowledge" in biblical language never refers to what we today call "head knowledge," but always to experiential involvement with what is known—to actual engagement with it.
- Dallas Willard