Quotes about Experience
When pastors don't have rich spiritual lives with Christ, they become victimized by other models of success - models conveyed to them by their training, by their experience in the church, or just by our culture.
- Dallas Willard
Like the beach glass, the wood was more beautiful because of its journey, because of the things it had been through. Inside the perfect shells is dim, It's through the cracks, the light comes in.
- Lisa Wingate
You see, there is one thing I learned from following in Papa Sevier's footsteps as I grew up. Life is not unlike cinema. Each scene has its own music, and the music is created for the scene, woven to it in ways we do not understand. No matter how much we may love the melody of a bygone day or imagine the song of a future one, we must dance within the music of today,
- Lisa Wingate
After all, what good is a life saved if you fail to live it?
- Lisa Wingate
I want a pain I understand instead of the one I don't. I want a pain that has a beginning and an end, not
- Lisa Wingate
Along our journey, people and events flow into us, and we are created of everywhere and everyone we have passed. Each event, each person, changes us in some way. Even in times of drought we are still moving and growing, but it is during seasons of rain that we expand the most-when water flows from all directions, sweeping at terrifying speed, chasing against rocks, spilling over boundaries. These are painful times, but they enable us to carry burdens we could never have thought possible.
- Lisa Wingate
The great thing about literature is that it's subjective. No two readers read the same book, because we all see the words through different eyes, filter the story through different life experiences.
- Lisa Wingate
The thing about mistakes is, they become valuable when you learn from them. I
- Lisa Wingate
That's what I'd say in my essay about To Kill a Mockingbird, I decided. I'd make sure the English teacher knew that the story of Jem and Scout and Atticus Finch wasn't just words someone made up in a book. There were people who lived it—people of all different
- Lisa Wingate
the past travels with you. It's whether you run from it or learn from it that makes all the difference.
- Lisa Wingate
so many of the things we struggle with as human beings are not unique to our generation. There are lessons to be learned from those who've wandered these paths before us.
- Lisa Wingate
In life, all good things come hard, but wisdom is the hardest to come by.
- Lucille Ball