Quotes about Experience
When we see around us the tragedy of not taking this truth seriously and when we experience within ourselves the veracity of the truth, we will be positioned to move forward in our spiritual progress. We also will have a different attitude toward those who more obviously struggle in areas where we might only secretly have a problem. Day by day, an awareness of our condition will help us grow spiritually.
- William Wilberforce
I listened, motionless and still And, as I mounted up the hill, The music in my heart I bore, Long after it was heard no more.
- William Wordsworth
One impulse from a vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of moral evil and of good, Than all the sages can.
- William Wordsworth
A deep distress hath humanised my soul.
- William Wordsworth
From heart-experience, and in humblest sense Of Modesty, that he, who in his youth A daily wanderer among woods and fields With living Nature hath been intimate, Not only in that raw unpractised time Is stirred to ecstasy, as others are, By glittering verse but further, doth receive, In measure only dealt out to himself, Knowledge and increase of enduring joy From the great Nature that exists in works Of mighty Poets.
- William Wordsworth
Can advertising foist an inferior product on the consumer? Bitter experience has taught me that it cannot. On those rare occasions when I have advertised products which consumer tests have found inferior to other products in the same field, the results have been disastrous.
- David Ogilvy
I have a theory that the best ads come from personal experience. Some of the good ones I have done have really come out of the real experience of my life, and somehow this has come over as true and valid and persuasive.
- David Ogilvy
A final word: I am not knowledgeable about the internet. I do not have a computer. I guess that at 74 years of age, I don't have the patience to learn.
- David Wilkerson
The slope contains many wonders not found at the summit.
- Marty Rubin
Gratitude bestows reverence... changing forever how we experience life and the world.
- John Milton
In the man whose childhood has known caresses and kindness, there is always a fiber of memory that can be touched to gentle issues.
- George Eliot
It takes all sorts of in and outdoor schooling To get adapted to my kind of fooling.
- Robert Frost