Quotes about Experience
The child is the father of the man.
- William Wordsworth
Life is a mystery to be experienced, not solved.
- Anonymous
The New Age operates on the epistemology of ecstasy.
- James Sire
Do you want to experience the lifestyle of a prophet? It begins with intimacy.
- James Goll
True love is born of experience, not fairy dust.
- Janette Oke
Memories are beautiful things, Boy. When the person that ya loved is gone, when the happy time is over, then ya've still got yer memories. Thank God fer this special gift of His that lets ya sorta live yer experiences again and again. S'pose there ain't no price one would settle on fer the worth of memories.
- Janette Oke
You can't paint over a bad experience with good advertising or marketing.
- Jason Fried
Too much time in academia can actually do you harm. There are a lot of skills that are useful in academia that aren't worth much outside of it.
- Jason Fried
But after that, the curve flattens out. There's surprisingly little difference between a candidate with six months of experience and one with six years. The real difference comes from the individual's dedication, personality, and intelligence.
- Jason Fried
Keeping a solid team together for a long time is a key to peak performance. People grow closer and more comfortable with each other, and consequently do even better work. Meanwhile, rookie teams make rookie mistakes.
- Jason Fried
Another common misconception: You need to learn from your mistakes. What do you really learn from mistakes? You might learn what not to do again, but how valuable is that? You still don't know what you should do next. Contrast that with learning from your successes.
- Jason Fried
He created the laws and principles—sowing and reaping, cause and effect and the free will of humans—that govern the earth. We, however, implement these principles and determine much of what we reap and experience.
- Dutch Sheets