Quotes about Experience
Independence is a heady draft, and if you drink it in your youth, it can have the same effect on the brain as young wine does.
- Maya Angelou
after all, girls have to giggle, and after being a woman for theee years I was about to become a girl.
- Maya Angelou
Today is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before.
- Maya Angelou
The only thing you own is your story. Make sure it's a good one.
- Maya Angelou
Knowing Momma, I knew that I never knew Momma.
- Maya Angelou
But they talked, and from the side of the building where I waited for the ground to open up and swallow me, I heard the soft-voiced Mrs. Flowers and the textured voice of my grandmother merging and melting.
- Maya Angelou
His room smelled of cooked grease, Lysol, and age, but his face believed the freshness of his words, and I had no heart nor art to drag him back to the reeking reality of our life and times.
- Maya Angelou
After a short labor, and without too much pain (I decided that the pain of delivery was overrated), my son was born.
- Maya Angelou
Of Jesus Christ and my relationship to Him and remember that the One who created the universe can do anything. I also have evidence—my own experience—that God can do anything, because He changed me. From age 14, I began to focus on the future. My mother's lessons—and those of several of my teachers—were at last paying off.
- Ben Carson
Until the antireligion zealots learn the meaning of the word tolerance, we will continue to experience unnecessary strife.
- Ben Carson
The question is not whether a nation makes mistakes; the question is whether a nation learns from its mistakes, builds on that knowledge it gains over time, and grows in wisdom. Those nations who learn from their mistakes will become wise, while those who repeat the same mistakes over and over again, expecting a different result, are foolish.
- Ben Carson
I'm convinced that much of the success I have experienced in life is a result of learning from my failures.
- Ben Carson