Quotes about Visibility
It's important to be seen in different films and banners.
- Varun Sharma
More visibility is more power, but more vulnerability.
- Ezra Furman
Sunglasses are essential for us actresses. I wear them when I don't feel like putting on make-up or when I'm out and about in strong sunlight.
- Fala Chen
After the Vietnam War, a lot of us [antiwar graduate students] didn't just crawl back into our library cubicles; we stepped into academic positions. With the war over, our visibility was lost, and it seemed for awhile—to the unobservant—that we had disappeared. Now we have tenure, and the work of reshaping the universities has begun in earnest.2
- Ravi Zacharias
It is not the being seen of men that is wrong, but doing these things for the purpose of being seen of men. The problem with the hypocrite is his motivation.
- St. Augustine
Our Lord did not say it was wrong to pray in the corners of the street, but He did say it was wrong to have the motive to "be seen of men".
- Oswald Chambers
A picture of Christ was hung in the back of a pulpit. When the minister rose to speak one Sunday morning, a little boy asked his mother, 'Mother, who is that man who stands so we can't see Jesus?'
- Vance Havner
My mother always told me,"hide your face- people are looking at you". I would reply,"It does not matter; I am also looking at them.
- Malala Yousafzai
Somebody is looking at you - and someone needs to see you walk this journey of following God's calling.
- Shauna Niequist
The world hates Christian people if they can see God in them.
- G Campbell Morgan
We were created for the purpose of giving God's invisible character a glimpse of visibility.
- Beth Moore
Christ's crucifixion was on a hill, by a road, where everybody who passed by could not only see his pain, but also his shame. It was not done in a shadow, hidden away somewhere.
- Francis Schaeffer