Quotes about Christianity
Christianity is fundamentally convalescence.. .God is not only the doctor who prescribes, He is the nurse who lifts up our powerless head and puts the spoon in our mouth...And He is the medicine.
- John Piper
The gospel is not a way to get people to heaven; it is a way to get people to God.
- John Piper
Many Christians suffer because they're too busy seeking carnal knowledge instead of the Word of God.
- Joyce Meyer
If the Christians of America could be persuaded to vote God and a clean ticket, it would bring about a moral revolution that would be incalculably beneficent. It would save the country.
- Mark Twain
I hate myself, that I cannot believe it so constantly and surely as I should; but no human creature can rightly know how mercifully God is inclined toward those that steadfastly believe in Christ.
- Martin Luther
The essence of Christianity...is an ever-new encounter with... the God who speaks to us, who approaches us and who befriends us!
- Pope Benedict XVI
If only everyone could experience the joy of being Christian, being loved by God Who gave His Son for us!
- Pope Benedict XVI
The true expression of Christian character is not in good-doing but in God-likeness.
- Oswald Chambers
For the Christian, every tragedy is ultimately a blessing, or God is a liar.
- RC Sproul
We are called to show utter commitment to the God who is revealed in Jesus and to all those to whom His invitation is addressed.
- Rowan Williams
When a Christian stops growing, help is needed. If you are the same Christian you were a few months ago, be careful.
- Max Lucado
Let us seek in particular to communicate the deepest joy, that of knowing God in Christ.
- Pope Benedict XVI