Quotes about Christianity
The question is not if the candidate's heart is favorable to Christianity, but if he has Christ as his starting point even for politics, and will speak out His name!
- Abraham Kuyper
The right way to requite evil, according to Jesus, is not to resist it. This saying of Christ removes the Church from the sphere of politics and law.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Jesus calls us to a holiness that is positive, generous and openhearted. It's a difficult, daring challenge - do we accept it?
- Justin Welby
If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being.
- Jerry Falwell
By justification we are saved from the guilt of sin…by sanctification we are saved from the power and root of sin
- John Wesley
The Lord was Baptized, not to be cleansed Himself, but to cleanse the waters, so that those waters, cleansed by the flesh of Christ which knew no sin, might have the power of Baptism.
- Ambrose of Milan
Christians should never fail to sense the operation of an angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle's light.
- Billy Graham
Crown and cloth maken no priest, nor emperor's bishop with his words, but power that crist giveth; and thus by life have been priests known.
- John Wycliffe
We can preach the Gospel of Christ no further than we have experienced the power of it in our own hearts
- George Whitefield
Be assured that Christianity is something more than forms and creeds and ceremonies: there is life, and power, and reality, in our holy faith.
- George Muller
To suppose that whatever God requireth of us that we have power of ourselves to do, is to make the cross and grace of Jesus Christ of none effect.
- John Owen
Nearly 60% of Americans who regularly attend Christian church say there is no such thing as the Holy Spirit—they say the Holy Spirit is just a symbol of God's power or presence or purity.
- George Barna