Quotes about Christianity
God is "the Truth." The Bible is the "truth about the Truth." Theology is the "truth about the truth about the Truth." Christian people live in these many truths about the Truth, and, because of them, have not "the Truth." Hungry, beaten, and drugged, we had forgotten theology and the Bible. We had forgotten the "truths about the Truth," therefore we lived in "the Truth.
- Richard Wurmbrand
How many Christians of the free world visit communist countries and other nations where Christians are persecuted but never ask permission to visit a jail and encourage their brothers and sisters in pain?
- Richard Wurmbrand
People are so inoculated in childhood with small doses of Christianity that they seldom catch the real thing.
- Richard Wurmbrand
reminded him of the great scientists who have been Christians—from Newton and Kepler to Pavlov and the discoverer of anaesthetics, Sir James Simpson. Luca said, "They conformed to the conventions of the time." I said, "Do you know the declaration of Louis Pasteur, who discovered microbes and vaccination? 'Je crois comme une charbonnière le plus que je progresse en science.
- Richard Wurmbrand
These are the last words of Iuliu Maniu, a Christian and the former Prime Minister of Romania, who died in prison: "If the Communists are overthrown in our country, it will be the most holy duty of every Christian to go into the streets and at the risk of his own life defend the Communists from the righteous fury of the multitudes whom they have tyrannized.
- Richard Wurmbrand
Kirgizskaia Pravda of 17 January 1966 quoted an underground Christian leaflet to mothers: 'Let us join our efforts and prayers to dedicate to God the lives of our children from the time they are in the cradle! Let us save our children from the influence of the world.
- Richard Wurmbrand
Christians who believed what they said in church knew that to die was not the end of life but its fulfillment; not extinction, but the promise of eternity.
- Richard Wurmbrand
The Bible he gave me was written not so much in words but in flames of love, fired by his prayers.
- Richard Wurmbrand
Men are responsible before God, not only for their personal sins but also for their national sins. The tragedy of all the captive nations is a responsibility on the hearts of American and British Christians. Americans must know that they have at times unwittingly assisted the Russians in imposing on us a regime murder of and terror.
- Richard Wurmbrand
In the free world, it is customary during a strike for men to picket the entrance to a factory. They often use violence to prevent from entering any workers who choose not to join their actions. Likewise we Christians must decide to boycott hell, picketing the entrance with determination.
- Richard Wurmbrand
My only prayer repeated again and again was "Jesus, I love you.
- Richard Wurmbrand
Even the best of Christians are troubled by the question, "Why does an almighty God send, or at least allow, suffering?" When you are nagged by thoughts like this, say to yourself, "I am still in elementary school. When I graduate from the university of Christian life, I will understand His ways better and doubts will cease.
- Richard Wurmbrand